The Pipefitter JOB

The pipefitter career is a thriving profession within the industrial sector. It allows workers to utilize their expertise in dealing with intricate piping systems, making it a vital role in the industry. What do you need to know about this essential plumbing expert, responsible for the seamless operation of our plumbing installations?

Our PIPEFITTER job offers

Tuyauteur senior – Offre H1


Temps plein


Horaire de jour flexible

Contrat à durée indéterminée

Plusieurs postes à combler

De 24,00$ à 34,00$ de l’heure

Tu as une formation de tuyauter ou tu as de l’expérience dans le domaine ? Tu aimes les défis et aimerais avoir l’occasion de te développer dans le domaine ? Tu voudrais faire partie d’une équipe soudée et dynamique ? Nous avons plusieurs opportunités d’emploi à te proposer !

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Pipefitter Job: Necessary Training

To pursue a pipefitter career, one must acquire a vocational diploma in plumbing and heating or as a pipe mechanic. These programs last for 1680 hours, approximately 15 months. This program is available in various regions of Quebec, such as Montreal, Monteregie, and Centre-du-Quebec.

Upon completing this professional-level training, a pipefitter can choose to specialize as a plumber or as a heating equipment installer.

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Pipefitter Skills and Responsibilities

Individuals who excel in mathematics and have a keen interest in chemistry are ideal candidates for pipefitter jobs, as these roles require concentration and precision.

In their daily tasks, pipefitters perform a variety of duties related to the installation, repair, or modification of plumbing or heating systems. Specifically, they determine the work needed on pipe networks by analyzing construction plans, working on gas, steam, or chemical pipelines.

Pipefitters are responsible for preparing pipe components using manual or mechanical tools and assembling them. Ultimately, they must ensure the integrity of the pipe network. Additionally, their services may be required for cleaning pipes and drainage systems.

What skills are necessary for pipefitter jobs in a company? Firstly, having a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, and chemistry is crucial for applying concepts from these fields to their work. Individuals with a scientific mindset and a passion for calculations will be well suited for these roles.

A pipefitter must be meticulous and capable of working both independently and in a team. As the role can be solitary, the ability to work autonomously while executing tasks is essential.

Since pipefitter jobs demand great precision, attention to detail, and excellent dexterity are required skills.

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Pipefitter Job: Salary Expectations

The future prospects for pipefitters are promising, with an approximate placement rate of 80% for new graduates. The salary for pipefitter jobs typically averages around $30 per hour, although this can vary depending on additional specialized training.

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What is a pipefitter?

A pipefitter is a professional specialized in the installation, repair, and modification of piping systems. These systems can include pipelines for gas, steam, or chemicals. The pipefitter plays a crucial role in ensuring the proper functioning of plumbing and heating installations, ensuring the tightness and safety of pipe networks.

To work as a pipefitter, it is necessary to obtain a professional diploma in plumbing and heating or as a pipefitting mechanic. These programs generally last 1680 hours, or about 15 months, and are offered in various regions of Quebec.

Required skills for a pipefitter include strong knowledge of mathematics, physics, and chemistry, great attention to detail, good dexterity, and the ability to work both independently and as part of a team. Attention to detail and autonomy are also essential qualities.

The average salary for a pipefitter is about $30 per hour. This rate can vary depending on experience, specialization, and the region of work.

The role of a pipefitter includes determining the work to be performed on pipe networks based on construction plans, preparing and assembling piping elements, ensuring the tightness of the network, and cleaning pipelines and drainage systems.

The future prospects for the pipefitter profession are promising, with a placement rate for new graduates of about 80%. The demand for qualified professionals in this field remains high in the industrial sector.

Becoming a pipefitter offers the opportunity to work on varied and complex projects that require both technical skills and problem-solving abilities. It is a profession that combines manual and intellectual work, offering constant challenges and the satisfaction of contributing to the efficient operation of essential infrastructure.

A pipefitter can specialize by undergoing additional training in specific areas of piping, such as advanced plumbing, heating, or the management of industrial piping systems. These specializations can enhance career opportunities and salary potential.


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